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Master of Landscape Architecture Program 50th Anniversary Student Recruitment Scholarship

December 6, 2024 — 

The Department of Landscape Architecture is delighted to announce the establishment of a new entrance scholarship to commemorate 50 years of learning and teaching landscape architecture in Manitoba.

The University of Manitoba’s Master of Landscape Architecture program celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2022. During the academic year 2022-2023, various festive events occurred, including fundraising for a new recruitment scholarship.

Since then, we have achieved our first fundraising milestone, $25,000, which will establish the endowment fund and launch the Master of Landscape Architecture Program 50th Anniversary Student Recruitment Scholarship in 2025.

About the Importance of the New Entrance Scholarship

With this growing fund, we will annually support an incoming graduate student enrolled in the Master of Landscape Architecture program with a Bachelor of Environmental Design (Landscape + Urbanism option) offered through the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. This will improve our ability to recruit and retain talent in Manitoba, strengthening the generations of landscape architects and designers year by year.

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for the Master of Landscape Architecture Program 50th Anniversary Student Recruitment Scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • are enrolled full-time in the first year of study in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in the Master of Landscape Architecture program at the University of Manitoba;
  • have graduated with a Bachelor of Environmental Design (Landscape + Urbanism option) offered through the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba;
  • have achieved a minimum degree grade point average of 3.5 based on the previous 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study.

No application is required.

Find more information about the New Entrance Scholarship here.

Current List of Supporters

We are proud of all that we have accomplished together and thank everyone who has supported the creation of the Master of Landscape Architecture Program 50th Anniversary Student Recruitment Scholarship:

Architecture49 Inc.   
Douglas Carlyle
Po Chu Lee   
Cynthia Cohlmeyer
Department of Landscape Architecture     
Darcy Granove
Richard Hurst
Manitoba Association of Landscape Architects    
Manning Design Ltd 
Mira (Mimi) Locher
Kathryn McCudden
Kelty McKinnon
Edward McLachlan
John Olson
Katherine Sheie
Peter Smith
Chelsea Synychych
Sheila Van Landeghem   
Ryan Wakshinski   
Shilin Weng
Karen Wilson Baptist   
Kelly Wojnarski
Nobby Woo
Liz Wreford
Yoshihiro Yabe
John Zvonar

A special thank you to Dietmar Straub, who started the initiative and raised money for this fund by developing and marketing the Master of Landscape Architecture 50th Anniversary Bulb mixture.

Participation is still possible. To grow the endowment fund, we continue accepting donations for the Master of Landscape Architecture Program 50th Anniversary Student Recruitment Scholarship. To make your donation online, please donate by clicking this link:

If you want to know more about our anniversary celebration, please check our website

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