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UM Today

Departments Archive

Nabil Iqbal stands in front of a body of water, his hands in his pockets, looking at the camera.

Hiding in Plain Sight

April 5, 2024 — 
Grad student Nabil Iqbal chose UM to explore gaps in the legal system around an emerging yet invisible group—climate change refugees

Huma Sharief sits crosslegged on the floor, leaning against the blank wall of her condo

Carving out Space

April 3, 2024 — 
We sat down with dentistry alum Dr. Huma Sharief to talk equity in patient care

A collage-style illustration of a robotic hand reaching for the gloved hand of a medical professional, with a black and white photo nearby of Dr. Denise Koh

Will AI heal our medical system?

April 1, 2024 — 
We asked alum Dr. Denise Koh, co-author of a new book about the barriers and boon of machine learning

A child plays among coca leaves in the Pichari district, Ayacucho deparment, Peru.

From Seeking Narcos to Seeking Peace at UM

February 22, 2024 — 
Grad student and former marine Omar Tejada turns his lived experience during the war on drugs into research to protect children in “cocaine valley”

Conceptual illustration of a man standing on a floating cube.

How Do I Spot Fake News?

January 12, 2024 — 
Veteran journalist and UM instructor Cecil Rosner on deciphering fake news in a world of fast media and AI

A decorative image that reads "Quiz" in big block letters on top of an archival image of people working in a lab.

Test Your Knowledge of 140 Years of UM Medicine

December 20, 2023 — 
Uncover fascinating facts about the Max Rady College of Medicine’s evolving history as it marks a milestone

A still from Eternal Spring, in which a character runs in a dark alley while glancing behind them with a look of fear.

Harnessing Change

November 17, 2023 — 
Alum Judith Cheung, associate producer of the documentary Eternal Spring, is building a career raising awareness of atrocities in China. The film, a former Oscar candidate, also serves as a teaching tool for UM students.

Animated illustration of flowers emerging upward from the veins and arteries of a heart.

What Happens When We Donate our Body to Science?

November 17, 2023 — 
What happens when we donate our body to science? We posed the question to Alexa Hryniuk, assistant professor in UM’s department of human anatomy and cell science.

Willow reclines in a photograph in a collage-esque image.

A Northern Light

October 20, 2023 — 
From showcasing Arctic life to millions of followers on Tiktok to representing Inuvik in international fashion, to helping others heal from trauma—this UM student says it’s about bringing her voice, culture and community to the world.

Jen Gunter stands in an outdoor garden between flowers and a brick wall.

What Everyone’s Talking About

June 5, 2023 — 
From a myth-debunking physician who calls out the Kardashians to a structural engineer who swapped blue prints for baking

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