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Powwow graduation 2013

Indigenous Knowledges and Indigenizing the Academy: Transforming Scholarship or Window Dressing?

March 13, 2014 — 

On March 14,  a series of engaging panel discussions will take place and the public is welcome to attend. The event is hosted by the U of M’s Michael Hart, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Knowledge and Social Work, and the Faculty of Social Work.

What: Indigenous Knowledges and Indigenizing the Academy: Transforming Scholarship or Window Dressing?
When: March 14
Morning panel: 9:30 a.m.- Noon
Afternoon panel: 1 p.m. -3:30 p.m.
Where: Room 220, Hanley Hall, St. Paul’s College, 70 Dysart Rd.


Here’s professor Michael Hart explaining the day:

This forum is intended to add to discussions that are taking place across the country and informing people on Indigenous participation in university systems.

The intent of this forum is to help people to recognize the need for Indigenous peoples participation in all aspects of academia in a more comprehensive manner, and to share, develop, and carried forward transformative ideas of how university communities generally, and the University of Manitoba specifically, can create culturally safe and respectful space for this participation. The conversation is directed to people in administrative, academic, support, and learning roles in all parts of the university.

This forum will consist of two panel presentations. While focus of the discussions will address the incorporation of Indigenous peoples, knowledges and practices in the university, discussions are open to addressing the various facets of the academy from community connections, student involvement, administrative support and leadership, research, and teaching.

The morning panel will include Elders from Manitoba who have demonstrated a deep commitment to upholding Indigenous Knowledges and transforming systems such as the academy. The Elders will be asked to consider how Elders and Indigenous knowledges, cultures and practices should be respectfully included in the academy, how the academy should support and acknowledge Elders within the academy, and what should the various facets of University do to support positive transformations. The people asked to participate as Elders include Margaret Lavallee, Thelma Morrisseau, and Don Robinson.

The afternoon panel will include individuals working to transform the academy so Indigenous knowledges and practices become part of the fundamental structures and operations within universities. These individuals will be asked to consider how universities should grow to ensure Indigenous involvement in all their facets.

The panelist include Cynthia Wesley Esquimaux (Chipewa of Georgina Island First Nation, and Vice-Provost Aboriginal Initiatives, Lakehead University) Ovide Mercredi (Misipawistik Cree Nation, and Senior Advisor to the University of Manitoba), Shauneen Pete (Little Pine Cree Nation, and Executive Lead: Indigenization, University of Regina).

There will be student participation on each panel to share their reflections on the presentations and to partake in the panel discussions. There will be time set aside for a question and answer period between the panelist and audience.




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