Imagining a Reconciled Canada
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) at the University of Manitoba is inviting the youth in Canada to Imagine a Reconciled Canada.
Imagine a Canada is now going into its third year. It is a national arts and leadership program that invites young people to share their thoughts on what the future of Canada will look like through the lens of Reconciliation. The NCTR is turning to Canada’s young people to lead a conversation around the future of the country.
Young people from across the country, from kindergarten to post-secondary, are invited to share their own vision of what Reconciliation can be.
It can be a poem, a song, a painting, a sculpture, a rap, a drawing, an essay, anything. Through art, they will learn about their history and how they can become part of the nation-wide effort to work towards Reconciliation. Be a part of the change.
For the first time, Imagine a Canada is encouraging teachers, educators and students to not only envision a Reconciled Canada but to also work and connect with Survivors, Elders or knowledge holders to receive first-hand knowledge of Indigenous experiences in Canada to influence their art work.
“Imagine a Canada is a great way for teachers and students to explore both the past and our shared journey into the future toward Reconciliation,” said Kevin Lamoureux, National Education Lead, NCTR. “The program provides a path for young people to see themselves not just as concerned citizens, but transformative citizens; to empower them to be the change they want to see in the world.”
Friends and partners of the NCTR from across the country will help recognize and honor submissions. One entry from each province and territory will be selected to attend a national celebration of Imagine a Canada and take part in a leadership workshop to become Reconciliation Ambassadors in their own community.
For more information follow the link to the NCTR education website.
There, you’ll find information on submission criteria, the submission form, and helpful ideas for teachers and educators.
The new deadline for submissions is April 2, 2018.