Faculty of Education progress on review of MEd and PhD programs
June 26, 2024 —
The Faculty of Education has been undergoing a graduate program review M.Ed & PhD. After the self-evaluation process and community consultations (fall 2022 to spring 2023), the faculty hosted three external reviewers, Dr. Ruth Kane (U of Ottawa), Dr. Engida Gebre (Simon Fraser University), and Dr. Leisha Strachan (U Manitoba). They reviewed our program and offered recommendations. Since receiving the recommendations (spring 2023), our faculty engaged in two retreats, participated in numerous meetings, and consulted with students, staff, and community members.
Here is a sampling of what we have accomplished to date (some of which are pending final approvals):
- M.Ed revisions:
- implemented five new M.Ed concentrations, including in Indigenous Education;
- revised both M.Ed programs from comprehensive- to course-based routes;
- revised and improved numerous administrative processes and regulations.
- PhD revisions:
- reduced the number of required courses and developed three new doctoral level courses;
- revised the candidacy exam process to improve the student experiences;
- developed a PhD in Indigenous Education proposal (for government consideration).
- Improving research experiences for students:
- increased funding and supports for students to receive funding;
- highlighted graduate student research through themed panels, graduate student research workshops, the graduate student research conference and the monthly newsletter.
- Increase enrollment of Indigenous students:
- developed an MEd cohort with St Teresa Point, Ansininew M.Ed in Inclusion and Reconciliation in Inclusive Education (fall 2024 intake of 21 students);
- developed graduate awards for Indigenous students (2 for MEd students of $5k each; and 2 for PhD for $10k each; first group awarded fall 2023;
- developed PhD in Indigenous Education proposal.
- Provide more supports for new faculty:
- increased the Research Facilitator’s role from half-time to full-time;
- developed mentoring supports;
- improved support systems, research planning process, and provided more resources to support faculty research grant applications.
Next steps include:
- improve and expand the visibility of our programs with improved outreach to communities;
- consider online course offerings, and explore issues related to ethics, pedagogy, and equity;
- explore the development of a diversity and equity admissions policy.