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Exploring Nomadisms: A Manitoba-Szeged Collaboration

December 13, 2024 — 

School of Art is excited to announce the release of Nomadisms: Essays Mapping the Manitoba-Szeged Partnership, a collaborative volume that marks a milestone in the partnership between the School of Art, University of Manitoba and the University of Szeged. Edited by Réka M. Cristian (University of Szeged) with technical guidance from Zoltán Dragon of AMERICANA, this volume brings together a wealth of thought-provoking essays exploring the theme of nomadism in its many dimensions.

The volume includes a preface by Professor Oliver Botar, setting the stage for a diverse array of essays contributed by esteemed faculty members from both institutions. Among the highlights are contributions from additional School of Art faculty:

  • Katherine Boyer and Suzanne McLeod, co-authoring with Jarvis Brownlie: “Opapamipiciwak” Those Who Move from Place to Place: A Story Distorted
  • David Foster: Mieke Bal’s Travels in Autotheory
  • Grace Nickel: Anabaptist Potters: A Historical and Contemporary Legacy

This collection covers topics ranging from cyclical and imposed mobility to artistic interpretations of nomadism, identity, memory, and transnational integration. The volume also includes insightful explorations of nomadism in film, with works by Réka M. Cristian herself and other esteemed contributors.

The Nomadisms volume is freely available in EPUB format here. For those who prefer a physical copy, it can be purchased via Amazon in print-on-demand format here.

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