Enhance your fitness routine with Recreation Services
Winter program registration begins Nov. 8
A message from Recreation Services:
There are countless benefits to regular exercise. It can improve your mood, boost your energy, help you sleep better, and even combat health conditions and diseases. Though, at times it can be difficult to find and stick to an exercise routine. If you’re routine is currently stuck in a rut, it could be time to try something new, like an adult instructional fitness, wellness, or recreation program.
Programs take the guesswork out of exercise and offer a routine you can stick with.
By registering for one of our programs, you’ll be provided with an exciting new workout experience in a welcoming environment. All instructors are experts in their field and will provide a professional, engaging and enjoyable learning experience.
Programs also provide a great opportunity to meet and interact with new people. Relationships are fostered when you chat before the program starts; laugh or cheer during the workout; or high-five after the program’s done. Developing a sense of community with your fellow participants is a great motivator to keep you coming back week-after-week.
Why not give it a try? Our 2019 winter program schedule includes classes in Adult Aquatics, Aging Actively, Climbing, Dance, Group Training, Health Promotion, Martial Arts, Recreation, and Wellness.
Visit uofmactiveliving.ca or view our 2019 Winter Activity Guide to learn more.
Registration starts Nov. 8. All Recreation Services members and U of M students, receive 20% off most programs.