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Brazillian woman with Black and grey curly hair (Cintia Costa) facilitating as session.

Cintia Costa, workshop co-creator and facilitator

Designed with care: Series encourages change to build a more supportive UM

Workshop series provide strategies that foster care, inclusion, and broaden perspectives in higher education

February 4, 2025 — 

This new series, called Pedagogies of Care, shows how different expertise, initiatives or pedagogies work together to create inclusive and engaging courses and programs. The creators and facilitators recognize that treating the students holistically, with their well-being in mind, will help contribute to a sustainable future for UM. 

Join one or all of the four 50-minute sessions designed for professors, instructors and graduate students committed to exploring Pedagogies of Care. Sessions are standalone and alternate between in-person (Fort Garry) and remote modalities. Whether you’re teaching in-person or in an online format, this series will equip you with pedagogical approaches that cultivate caring and inclusive educational spaces. 

The design of this workshop series embraces the same attributes the workshop aims to infuse into faculty teaching practices across UM. Each session will provide practical tools for creating inclusive, engaging, and empowering learning environments. The facilitators will look to learn from the participants on how the community wants to be supported. 

“This series will engage in a conversation around Pedagogies of Care and how they can be practiced at the university” explained John Bevan [MA/21] facilitator and educational developer from the Teaching Initiatives and Innovation Team. As a change agent “Pedagogies of Care allows for us to be flexible and adaptable and recognizes that the individual contexts in which students learn are an important factor in their learning.” adds Dr. Lori Doan [BA(Hons)/05, MA/07, PhD/14] facilitator from the Science of Teaching and Learning team. 

Pedagogies of Care was sparked by Cintia Costa, senior educational developer on the Programs and Curriculum Development Team, who saw the need to incorporate neuroscience into learning strategies workshops. What began as a single workshop grew after Costa’s team lead suggested connecting with Doan. A casual conversation with a colleague about upcoming projects had Bevan eagerly joining the series to contribute his skill. Each facilitator helped shape the workshop into a four-part offering, focused on changing to a more caring teaching environment. 

While this series does not directly address faculty wellness or care, Costa believes there are indirect benefits of Pedagogies of Care in changing classrooms: “it will be better for instructors, faculty, and professors if they see that their students feel safe to ask questions instead of feeling afraid. I have a feeling that the classroom atmosphere is going to feel lighter and more supportive” 

This workshop series hosted by The Centre for Advancement of Teaching and Learning continues our support of Empowering Learners. By identifying flexible practices to incorporate into courses, it will help us move towards a more supportive and sustainable education system. 

Our February storytelling theme, Agents of Change, highlights those driving meaningful change in their communities and beyond. Through bold ideas and actions, these change-makers challenge the status quo, spark transformation, and shape a better future. 


Pedagogies of Care series – Winter Term 2025 

Cultivating Liberatory Spaces 

Date and time: Tuesday, February 4, 2:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.  

Location: Remote – UM Zoom 

Description: This session with focus on key elements of relational and emancipatory teaching approaches that foster inclusivity and empowerment in the classroom. 

Register for Cultivating Liberatory Spaces 


Universal Design – Curb Cutting the Academy 

Date and time: Tuesday, February 25, 1:00 p.m. to 1:50 p.m. 

Location: Room 223 – The Centre (65 Dafoe Road) 

Description: This session with focus learning activities that incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, evaluate existing course materials improvement opportunities. 

Register for Universal Design – Curb Cutting the Academy   


Science of Learning – Firing and Wiring the Neurons 

Date and time: Thursday, March 13, 10:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. 

Location: Remote – UM Zoom  

Description: This session will focus on how the brain processes information and that influences learning and memory retention. Then they will explore brain-based strategies to generate environments that enhance cognitive engagement and student learning. 

Register for Science of Learning – Firing and Wiring the Neurons   


Bringing it All Together – Sharing Our Stories 

Date and time: Tuesday, April 1, 2:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. 

Location: Room 223 – The Centre (65 Dafoe Road) 

Description: Participants will create an integrated teaching approach based on their experiences over series or insights from their classrooms. 

Register for Bringing it All Together – Sharing Our Stories   

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