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Researchers Travis Qaunaq, left, from Igloolik, Nunavut, and Madison Sheritt of the University of Manitoba pull a hydrophone out of the water in Foxe Basin. (Submitted by C-Jae Breiter/DFO)

CBC North: Researchers want to know how more marine shipping in Nunavut could affect walruses

January 16, 2025 — 

Researchers are hoping to understand how walruses in the central Canadian Arctic react to shipping noise in the waters around them. 

That work is led by a master’s student at the University of Manitoba, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. It’s taking place in Foxe Basin, home to one of Canada’s largest walrus populations.

“They’re really sensitive to any underwater noise and it might affect their behaviour,” said Marine Cailleau, a marine biology master’s student at the University of Manitoba who’s leading the research. 

To read the entire article, please follow the link to CBC North.

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