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ResearchLIFE Spring 2022 News Archive

A photo collage of the words 'Transforming Agriculture' atop a drone and a circular image of a field.

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Transforming agriculture

May 17, 2022 — 
The University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences has received $5 million in funding to help achieve its goal of becoming one of North America’s top crop research training institutions


The Churchill Marine Observatory under the northern lights, beneath the words 'Marine Science.'

Research and International

Marine science

May 17, 2022 — 
Marine science in Canada's third ocean

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A sunset over a dirt road with swirling floral white embroidery superimposed on it and the words 'Taking up the work of reconciliation.'

Research and International

Taking up the work of Reconciliation

May 17, 2022 — 
How a new measuring tool based on research can push us further down the path to good and just relations

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People pump their fists in the air in front of a bright sun.


Centre for Human Rights Research

May 17, 2022 — 
Celebrating its 10th anniversary with a new direction

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An illustration of an Indian child looking up, surrounded by dots of data points.


Saving lives with data

May 17, 2022 — 
Women in rural northern India must clear a long series of hurdles to give birth safely, including finding a health centre with competent nurses and medication that has access to specialists if something goes wrong. University of Manitoba researcher Dr. Vasanthakumar Namasivayam is helping lower those hurdles, one by one.


A black and white image of the underside of a tree that has been uprooted in a dense forest.

Research and International

Grounded perspective

May 17, 2022 — 
Artworks connect to the natural world

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A photo where a hockey referee blows a whistle and points at the viewer.


Hockey parents who yell at referees

May 17, 2022 — 
Hockey referees are quitting in the province and, when asked, referees often state that spectator abuse is a reason for quitting.

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