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Be prepared for UM’s 2025 Career Fair

January 21, 2025 — 

This year’s UM Career Fair is fast approaching! Co-hosted by the Career, Community and Experiential Learning Centre and the Asper School of Business Career Development Centre, the annual Career Fair is an opportunity for students and alumni to discover employment opportunities, to discover graduate programs, expand their understandings of industries, and to network with potential employers. On Wednesday, January 22 and Thursday, January 23, students and alumni are invited to meet with employers and organizations on the first and second floors of UMSU University Centre (65 Chancellor’s Circle). Before attending the Career Fair, here are some ways students can prepare.


Attending the Career Fair is much like preparing for a job interview itself. Students should arrive already prepared with an idea of who they may want to speak to and how to present themselves. It is good practice to research the exhibitors. Being familiar with the employers and organizations that interest you helps to tailor your conversation with the exhibitors. Prepare some questions based on what you saw on the exhibitor’s website or based on your knowledge of their operations. For example, avoid generic questions such as “what does your company do?” and instead ask specific questions. Questions such as “What key skills do you look for?” or “What is the typical career path for recent graduates within your organization?” The more time you take to learn about the exhibitors, the more engaging the conversation can be with at the fair. A list of this year’s exhibitors can be found on the UM Career Fair website.

Prepare yourself

One of the important things to remember about the Career Fair is that the exhibitors are not the only ones promoting themselves. The Career Fair is a chance for students and alumni to promote themselves. This means you, the student, also have to have a pitch. Practice a short pitch; introduce yourself, your career aspirations, your skills and experience, what interests you about the company or organization you are speaking to. Keep it short, keep it professional, but keep it impactful. Career Services has online guides to help students write their personal statements that can make all the difference in ensuring you stand out from the other candidates.

Prepare your resumé and cover letter

Coming to the Career Fair empty-handed is like going to an exam without studying. The work needs to be done beforehand, and your resumé is proof of the work put into preparing for the fair. Writing a resumé can be daunting. Fortunately, Career Services are here to help. Career Services has been all hands-on deck to get students ready for the Career Fair, hosting workshops on job searches, resumé writing, and interview skills since the start of January. Right before the Career Fair, Career Services will be hosting a Resumé Drop-in on Monday, January 20. Those attending the Career Fair who may want feedback on their resumé are encouraged to register to attend the event through UMConnect for feedback and assistance with their resumes.

LinkedIn photo booth – Professional headshots

Hosted by the UM Alumni Association, this Pop-Up Photo Lounge will be available for students and alumni on both January 22 and 23 during the fair hours.  Pre-register for a set time. Walk-up service may also be possible, we welcome you to visit the lounge at any point during the fair.

Outside of the Career Fair, Career Services offers regular support for students looking for help with career planning. Students can meet one-on-one with a career consultant to receive aid and connect students with possible opportunities and develop strategies for exploring career paths.

Throughout the year, Career Services offers workshops on resumé building, job searching, interviews, and more, as well as providing resources for students at every stage of their job search. During the Winter Term, the Resumé Learning Centre, which assists students year-round with their resumés and cover letters, is hosting drop-in sessions at 474 UMSU University Centre on the following days of the week:

  • Mondays: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: 2:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Thursdays: 10:00 to 1:00 p.m. 

To schedule an appointment with Career Services, e-mail or cs.receptionist[at] or call their office at 474 UMSU University Centre at 204-474-9456.

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