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Eight-figure funding announcement: Maternal and Child Health Initiative

June 12, 2014 — 

The University of Manitoba will announce new major support from the prestigious Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the Centre for Global Public Health (CGPH) for an innovative and comprehensive maternal and child health initiative in Uttar Pradesh, India.

What: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Major Funding Announcement for the Centre for Global Public Health
When: Friday June 13, 2014 at 9:30 a.m.
Who: U of M President & Vice-Chancellor David Barnard
Dr. Digvir Jayas, Vice-President (Research & International)
Dr. Stephen Moses, department head (community health sciences), College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. James Blanchard, Canada Research Chair in Epidemiology and Global Public Health and director, CGPH, College of Medicine
Where: John Buhler Research Centre Atrium, 715 McDermot Avenue, Bannatyne Campus, University of Manitoba

The U of M will lead Technical Support Units with partner India Health Action Trust in aimed at capacity building and training of community health workers and nurse mentors to deliver effective interventions to reduce the number of adverse health outcomes among mothers, infants and young children related to childbirth, malnutrition and common illnesses.

Uttar Pradesh is the largest state in India with a population of almost 210 million, with over 5 million births each year.

The CGPH was established within the College of Medicine’s department of community health sciences in 2008 in collaboration with the department of medical microbiology.  The CGPH enhances the contribution of the University of Manitoba to the improvement of public health systems, programs and activities in diverse global settings.  A cornerstone of the Centre is the design and implementation of international health and development projects in several countries including: India, Nigeria, Kenya, Pakistan, China and Ukraine.

For more information please contact Ilana Simon, Director of Communications & Marketing, College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, at 204-789-3427/Cell: 204-295-6777, (



Research at the University of Manitoba is partially supported by funding from the Government of Canada Research Support Fund.

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