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Human Nutritional Sciences News Archive

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Unlocking a healthy relationship with food

March 1, 2018 — 
Join us for a free interactive discussion on the potential, and the limits, a healthy long term relationship with food can have.

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Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Helping newcomers discover healthy nutrition

June 1, 2017 — 
Nutrition education program helps immigrants and refugees adapt to eating healthy in Canada

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asthma inhaler

Can breastfeeding help protect babies from wheezing?

May 2, 2017 — 
U of M study shows that babies who are breastfed longer are less likely to wheeze, putting them at lower risk for asthma later on.

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Fresh food - fruit.

Op-ed: Three popular nutrition diet trends to steer clear of — based on best evidence

April 17, 2017 — 
“Alternative facts” aren’t a new concept in the field of nutritional science. Too bad so many people fall for them.

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Fresh food - fruit.

Wpg Free Press: The kids’ diets are not all right

March 29, 2017 — 
'The fact we don’t know what Manitoba kids are eating is stunning, given that obesity and nutrition-related chronic diseases are skyrocketing and costing taxpayers a bundle'

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Students design new food products for Food Fight

March 29, 2017 — 
Unique food product development competition gives students a chance to pitch their creations

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Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Food sensory study taste tests foods with lentils and peas

March 24, 2017 — 
Volunteers still needed for taste acceptability study


Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

March is Nutrition Month

February 27, 2017 — 
This year’s theme is “Take the Fight out of Food!” - Join in the many activities planned!

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Take the fight out of food stress

February 24, 2017 — 
Join us Thursday, March 16 for an interactive session on improving your relationship with food

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Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Tossing a new tasty pizza crust

February 3, 2017 — 
Pinto-buckwheat flour blends increase nutritional value of pizza crust

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