Faculty of Graduate Studies

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Eligibility The Dean of Graduate Studies Student Achievement Prize recognizes the outstanding academic achievement, strong leadership skills, and notable personal service of a University of Manitoba graduate student to the University, other students, and the community. Each year, the Dean of Graduate Studies Student Achievement Prize will be offered to graduate students who:

  • have been enrolled full-time in a Master’s or Doctoral program in the Faculty of Graduate Studies for at least one year at the time of nomination;
  • have displayed intellectual and academic attainment of a high standard with a minimum degree grade point average of 3.50 in their current program;
  • have volunteered within and outside their role as a student;
  • have demonstrated strong leadership abilities and personal integrity;
  • have shown commitment to improving the quality of life of others; and
  • have shown outstanding performance and service in teaching and/or mentoring.
  • **Each department (for department-based graduate programs) or college/faculty (in the case of college/faculty-based graduate programs) may submit ONE nomination of a graduate student for this prize. Nomination packages must be submitted in a single pdf file.

    The completed and signed nomination package must be submitted by email to Graduate Awards, Faculty of Graduate Studies, at Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca

    This prize may only be held once.

    Value Each recipient will receive a $1,000 cash prize and a citation certificate.
    Currency Canadian
    Tenable at University of Manitoba.
    Deadlines No deadlines available
    Application Details This award is closed for the 2024-2025 academic year.

    Only one (1) student nomination will be accepted per department (if the graduate program is department based) or one (1) per faculty (if the graduate program is faculty based).

    Nominations packages/forms (one pdf file) are to be submitted to the Department Head of the student’s home department by the student’s advisor or by a member of the student’s supervisory committee utilizing the nomination form linked below. The nomination package should include all required references and application documents as outlined below.

    Each department may set their own internal deadline for receipt of all nomination packages for this award. Students should contact their home department to find out the information on the internal deadline.

    Departments are to submit their one nomination package (one pdf file) signed off by the Department Head to Graduate Awards, Faculty of Graduate Studies by email at Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca (subject: Dean of Graduate Studies Student Achievement Prize).

    To nominate a student, please utilize the Dean of Graduate Studies Student Achievement Prize nomination form online at:


    Along with this form, three letters of support must be submitted as outlined on the on the nomination form, along with a copy of the student’s current curriculum vitae (cv). Referees may attach a letter on letterhead, with a signature, in lieu of using the form if more space is required than what will fit on the form provided for each referee.

    When submitting a nomination, please note the following details and extra piece of the application to be included:

  • One of the letters of support may be from outside of the University of Manitoba. The nominator may also provide a letter of support. The letters of support should address the nominee’s integrity of character, inquisitive nature for learning, volunteer within and outside their role as a student, commitment to improving the quality of life of others, and their importance as a role model and/or mentor to other students.
  • copy of the nominated student’s current curriculum vitae

  • NOTE: All parts of the form must be filled out, signed, and three letters of support must be attached – if the nominator is providing a letter of support, it must be separate from the nomination letter they provided.

    The selection committee has the discretion to determine the number of prizes each year based upon the number of nominations received and the quality of the nominees. Normally, three prizes will be offered each year.

    Nominations will be adjudicated by the Dean and Associate Deans of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

    Each recipient will receive a $1,000 cash prize and citation certificate.

    Contact: For questions or inquiries, please contact Graduate Awards, Faculty of Graduate Studies by email at Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca

    Updated: March 20, 2025


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    Email: Graduate.Awards@umanitoba.ca
    500 University Centre

      The University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2, 1-204-474-8880
    Questions or Comments?   www@umanitoba.ca
    � The University of Manitoba