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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
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KRM grad Jessie Chubaty.

Jessie Chubaty

Landing a dream job through fieldwork

October 18, 2018 — 

Moments after stepping off the convocation stage, degree parchment clenched in-hand, some graduates might think to themselves, “what now?”

Others, such as newly-minted 2018 Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management alumna, Jessie Chubaty, know exactly where they’re off to following graduation.

That’s because through her fieldwork experience, the Recreation Management and Community Development major landed a career in the field she’s been studying the last four years.

As the program coordinator for the municipality of Springfield, Chubaty plans and implements healthy living and leisure programs for people of all age groups. She says it’s a career that allows her to be creative and make a difference. And she owes a large part of it to her fieldwork experience as a FKRM student.

“My fieldwork was extremely valuable to me. I had the opportunity to experience event planning, sponsorship accruement, marketing, and many other valuable skills,” she adds.  “After my placement ended, I was lucky to be offered a term position with my placement organization, Recreation Connections Manitoba. Through my time both during and after my placement, I made valuable connections and became comfortable working in the recreation profession. My fieldwork and my connections that I made there, actually ended up helping me find my full time position that I’m currently in.”

Congratulations to our 12 undergraduate and nine graduate students for realizing their potential and receiving their well-deserved degrees at Fall Convocation 2018, Thursday, Oct. 18.

Bachelor of Kinesiology

Riley Holloway         

Persalf Jin                

Sara MacLennan     

Kylie Melcosky    

Bachelor of Physical Education

Christine French      

Morgan Husband      

Bachelor of Recreation Management and Community Development

Jessie Chubaty           

Breanne Reid             

Edward Wiezbinski  

Shuo Yuan                     

Ziyi Yuan                       

Wei Zhang                      

Graduate Studies

Laura Ceccarelli, M.A.

Simrit Deol, M.A.

Guanpeng Zhou, M.A.

Kevin Boreskie, M.Sc.

Luke Penner, M.Sc.

David Turczyn, M.Sc.

Laetitia Guillemette, PhD (Applied Heath Sciences)

Andrew Robson, PhD (Applied Heath Sciences)

Ashley Stewart-Tufescu, PhD (Applied Heath Sciences)



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