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Gayle Tillie

Grad Student Research Yields Left-Handed Hammers

Graduate Student Gayle Tillie - Faculty of Design Engineering

April 1, 2015 — 

Studies have shown that left-handed people die, on average, 9 years earlier than the average population. A combination of factors are cited, but the number one cause is attributed to a lack of proper instruments created specifically for lefties.

Gayle Tillie

Gayle Tillie | Faculty of Design Engineering

But southpaws, take heart! Our innovative grad students have trailblazed a path to longevity for the lefties in the crowd. Grad Student Gayle Tillie of the Faculty of Design Engineering explains. “Growing up leftie, I was always behind everyone else. I couldn’t cut as quickly, and brushing my hair was a chore. In kindergarten,  I *always* whacked my thumb during hammer time”.

Drawing from her childhood experience, Gayle hit the drawing board to design a better hammer, more suited to a lefty’s style. Along with advisor Jaclyn Tatum, the pair explored multiple concepts before hitting, as it were, the jackpot with their latest design.

“The straight shaft of our hammer takes the guesswork out of gripping. It leads to a more even swing, and less chance of accidental injury” stated Jaclyn. “In fact, there’s been so much interest that we’re partnering with a local hardware firm to produce our hammer and help the plight of lefties everywhere.”

Just one more example of the visionary research being executed by our resident explorers..and the production of a Happy April Fools Day!


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