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The U of M group outside of the Legislature for Pride 2016.

The U of M group outside of the Legislature for Pride 2016.

Celebrating Pride

May 31, 2017 — 

The following is a message from University of Manitoba President and Vice-Chancellor David Barnard:

I am pleased that the University of Manitoba is once again participating in the Pride Winnipeg Festival. As the University of Manitoba celebrates its 140th year, Pride Winnipeg has also reached a milestone of 30 years. I invite and encourage all members of the university community, including our alumni, to engage in this event in support of the LGBTTQI* community.

The Pride festival’s 2017 theme is Resurgence – Taking Back Space. I know that within the University of Manitoba community, our students, staff and faculty are committed to maintaining a welcoming work and learning environment.

Many members of the University of Manitoba family count themselves as members of the LGBTTQI* community. As well, across many disciplines, researchers and scholars are exploring LGBTTQI* themes on an ongoing basis.

Ours is undeniably a meaningful and authentic engagement with LGBTTQI* studies, helping generate deeper understanding of complex and emerging issues, and I invite everyone – during this week and throughout the year – to explore our faculty’s rich scholarly output on the subject.

As a statement of our commitment to diversity and inclusion, the Pride flag is flying on Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses this week. To find out more about the many activities happening on our campuses, visit Members of LGBTTQI* communities and allies are welcome to join us in showing their support.


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