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APTN, Windspeaker: Ovide Mercredi gives advice on Canadian harmony

October 23, 2018 — 

As APTN and Windspeaker report: 

Ovide Mercredi

Ovide Mercredi, the former national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, said Canada has no right to feel smug about the last 151 years.

Canada, he said, needs to find its peace and needs repair.

“Canada is a young country… There is a great need and a lot of room for reconciliation,” he told graduates at the University of Manitoba’s 51st annual fall convocation Oct. 17. An honorary doctor of Laws degree was bestowed on Mercredi that day.

He said Canada had “the potential to become a great civilization. People from all over the world come to this country.”

“Perhaps this change can be your change and one of the common goals we can all share for the future. The best hope for change is through personal relationships,” he told the grads.


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